Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

World of Warcraft Mod - Item Rack 2.82


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Gello | More from this developer
90 KB
October 19th, 2012, 06:54 GMT
C: \ Mods/Addons

Four years have passed since the aftermath of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, and a great tension now smolders throughout the ravaged world of Azeroth. As the battle-worn races begin to rebuild their shattered kingdoms, new threats, both ancient and ominous, arise to plague the world once again.

World of Warcraft is an online role-playing experience set in the award-winning Warcraft universe. Players assume the roles of Warcraft heroes as they explore, adventure, and quest across a vast world and trying to stay alive at the same time.


· World of Warcraft

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