Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

World of Warcraft Addon - Afterlife Crowd Control 50001-R3


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Softrix | More from this developer
3rd Person / FREE
635 KB
October 20th, 2012, 04:41 GMT
C: \ Mods/Addons

Afterlife Crowd Control is a World of Warcraft addon designed to monitor yours and party members crowd control spells and warrior taunts giving you and your party warnings that your target has broken, or a warning at 10 and 5 seconds before break happens.

Furthermore, this addon will also tell the party who broke your targets crowd control spell so theres no more comments like "it wasnt me who broke it".

Here are some key features of "World of Warcraft Addon - Afterlife Crowd Control":

· 3d Target + Timer
· Moveable Timer bar frame
· UI Flash warnings on break and target death
· Warning Sounds.
· Popup warning batman style animation.
· Announce to party or raid when your spell breaks
· Announce to party or raid the last 10 and 5 seconds remaining.
· Timers show casters name allowing raid leaders to monitor his crowd controlled mobs and remind his team to renew their targets. (casters names require that they also have this addon otherwise timer is shown without name).
· Addon to Addon communication.


· World of Warcraft

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