Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Clan Lord 777


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Delta Tao Software | More from this developer
Other / USD 14.95 buy button
59.10 MB
October 23rd, 2012, 10:50 GMT [view history]
C: \ Games Demo

Clan Lord is an online community of exiles. It is a game of adventure and fun where players cooperate with rather than prey upon one another. In many ways this game is what you make of it ... almost every clanner has a different opinion of what Clan Lord is and has a different reason they play.

You can choose to be an obscure mystic, a fierce and cunning fighter, or a powerful healer - all in a world where International players cooperate in their explorations and adventures. You train to improve and gain experience as you go, but the social aspect is much stronger in Clan Lord than other online RPGs. With the exception of certain areas, there is no player-killing allowed in Clan Lord. But there are many island creatures, hostile inhabitants, and the dangerous Darshak cult to keep you on your toes.

The world has existed online for over 10 years and is ever-expanding with new places to explore and new creatures to be encountered. Among the citizens are legends and heros from the time before and during the great Ripture War. Oh ... and like many conventional role-playing games, there is no way to win Clan Lord.


· Limited game play

What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]

· No notable world changes to report.
· Fixed a minor window-placement issue with the Mac client.

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